Your child is fun-loving, smart, and kind, but…

They struggle to stay focused.

They talk a mile a minute. You’re jealous of their energy!

They’re fidgety and restless. It’s almost impossible for them to stay in their seat!

They don’t like waiting (who does?), and when they have to… watch out!

They’re brave, but they’re also impulsive.

You know they can do anything they set their mind to, but you don’t know how to rein it in.

All kinds of problems at school and home…

Talking too much, being too loud, or getting up in the middle of class.

Agitating peers at school or siblings at home because they’re not playing the way your child wants them to… or they’re not matching your child’s energy and excitement level.

Struggling to stay focused on their school work… or chores… or conversation.

It seems like they have a billion toys, but they’re constantly complaining of boredom.

Rushing through tasks and making careless mistakes.

Losing or forgetting important items or tasks.

I’m here to help.

Counseling will provide your child with a safe place to learn and practice behavior and feeling-management skills.

You struggle with knowing how to focus your child’s energy, and the biggest problem is – so do they!

Children with ADHD often don’t know how to stay focused and can’t figure out why it’s so difficult for them. Throughout therapy, your child will learn impulse control skills by participating in activities such as “stop, think, and do.”

Your child will learn to calm down when those energetic feelings get too big…

By finding healthy ways to release their energy (e.g., active and safe physical exercises) and express their emotions (e.g., I-feel statements), they’ll learn to prepare for situations that require increased focus and calm energy.

They’ll learn to stay focused and avoid distractions.

By developing coping skills such as mindfulness techniques, Yoga blocks, belly breathing, and thought redirection, they’ll learn to redirect their energy to the task at hand. These skills can help children calm their bodies down, allowing their brains to follow.

You’ll be invited into sessions with your child…

That way, your child can teach you the skills they are learning.

Children are often excited to show off their new skills and present what they have been learning to parents! This component of treatment is important because it allows you to support your child in their development of healthy life skills. It also provides you the opportunity to give your child positive praise and attention for their behaviors (which is often a major motivator for children). It allows you to help your child begin to practice these skills at home.

As a team, we’ll also find the best environment for your child to stay focused during important tasks. Some children require shorter periods of focus at first with frequent breaks. Throughout treatment, they may build up to longer periods of focus. It will be important for us to find a starting point for your child!

Together, we’ll also develop a plan for your child to implement these skills throughout their daily life and behavior-management planning.

Families learn to transition from, “for the hundredth time, stop nagging your sister. She doesn’t want to play that game!”… followed by door slamming and yelling from their child and resulting in another consequence of limited screen-time….

To “I know you didn’t get your way when playing with your sister. I know that can feel frustrating. Let’s look at the behavior chart to see what other activities you’ve planned to do when encountering this trigger”… followed by the excitement that the child and parent created the plan to play with Legos after experiencing this situation, resulting in a more peaceful afternoon for all involved.

Let’s help your child channel their energy in positive ways!

When your child is suffering from the controlling symptoms of ADHD, we know you are suffering, too. You are your child’s number one fan.

ADHD doesn’t have to control your child’s life or impact their future goals and aspirations. By learning to control the symptoms of ADHD, we’ll ensure your child has the tools to succeed in anything they want to do!

Let’s work together in developing a plan to get your child the support they need.

Get started today by calling for a free 15-minute consultation! (901) 209-9454